Saturday, May 11, 2019

Matters of Vital Interest: A Forty-Year Friendship with Leonard Cohen by Eric Lerner

(pb; 2018: nonfiction / memoir)

From the inside flap

“Leonard Cohen passed away in 2016, leaving behind many who cared for and admired him, but perhaps few knew him better than longtime friend Eric Lerner. Lerner, a screenwriter and novelist, first met Cohen at a Zen retreat forty years earlier. Their friendship guided each other through life’s myriad obstacles, a journey told from a new perspective for the first time. . . "


 Matters is an intermittently (mostly) light and entertaining read, with its brief glimpses of Cohen and Lerner’s interactions. These fun, sometimes heart-warming and meaningful parts are often punctuated by story-necessary interludes about how they met via Zen faith. If you are like me, not into religion/faith/whatever, these sections were less than enthralling. Matters is an okay read, worth checking out from the library.

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