Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Down to the Bone by Ralf König


(pb; 1990: sequel to König’s The Killer Condom. Translated from the German by Jeff Krell.)


Set a few years after the events of The Killer Condom, a new spate of murders—which leave gay-bar patrons literally stripped to skeletons—Inspector Luigi Macaroni must re-enter a heart of bizarre-creature night to find out not only who is behind these flesh-corroded killings, but how, a journey that has key elements eerily reminiscent of an earlier case.

Down is a great read, with all the elements that made Killer stand out: it’s slapstick (its gay sex scenes are Mad-magazine hilarious) and double-entendre funny, has memorable characters (some of whom were seen in Killer), an overt, genre-true pulp-movie structure, and sharp, often quotable dialogue that you’d seen in the best pulp novels or noir films. Worth reading and owning, this for-mature-readers comic, like Killer.

Additional note: Fans of the 1996 film Killer Condom will likely notice that it incorporated character-linked and select plot elements from Down, just something to be aware of if you want to read the comics before seeing the excellent-for-its-budget movie.

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