Sunday, June 25, 2006

I'm The One That I Want, by Margaret Cho

(pb; 2001: memoir)


Cho tells, with hilarious and (often) painful clarity, about her struggles growing up in a crazy dysfunctional family, being a heavy-set Korean girl among mostly-Caucasian kids, and trying to overcome low self-esteem, which later led her into drugs and alcohol abuse, promiscuity and comedic fame (which, initially, was a mixed blessing).

Cho's recounted experiences are shockingly blunt and soul-bearing, as well as political, courageous, and life-affirming. I related strongly to her problems with low self-esteem (no longer an issue with me), and how she found, in her own words, her “voice,” which helped her establish a sane, healthy equilibrium in her life.

I'm The One That I Want is not recommended for conservative Xian readers. Cho blasts – often in black-humored, side-splitting fashion – the conservative, American mainstream, and its destructive effect on those who've been marginalized for being different, whether it be for racial, political, sexual or financial reasons.

This is one of my favorite non-fiction books of recent memory. There are so many one-liners in this book that I stopped writing them down, and just decided to buy the damn thing (I was reading a friend's copy).

I'm The One That I Want was originally a comedy special filmed and released in 2000.

Funny, heartfelt stuff, this.

1 comment:

megastein said...

I adore Margaret Cho...if you haven't checked out her blog, please do. She is politically active and socially conscious, two traits I greatly admire and aspire to. Gonna check this book out.