Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Red Rain by R.L. Stine

(hb; 2012)

From the back cover:

". . . Travel writer Lea Sutter finds herself on a small island off the coast of South Carolina, the wrong place at the wrong time.  A merciless, unanticipated hurricane cuts a path of destruction through the island and Lea barely escapes her life.

"In the storm's aftermath, she discovers two orphaned boys - twins.  Filled with a desire to do something to help, to make something good  of all she witnessed, Lea impulsively decides to adopt them.  The boys, Samuel and Daniel, seem amiable and immensely grateful; Lea's family back on Long Island - husband Mark, a chld psychologist, and their two children, Ira and Elena - aren't quite so pleased.  But even they can't anticipate their true nature - or predict that, within a few weeks' time, Mark will wind up implicated in two brutal murders, with the police narrowing in."


Red Rain, Stine's first adult horror novel, is a solid read that has plenty of chills and thrills--the kind that films like Village of the Damned (1960, based on John Wyndham's novel, The Midwich Cuckoos), Children of the Damned (1964) and Who Can Kill a Child? (1976) deliver.

I enjoyed this plot-tight, genre-revering novel until its ending, a cheesy finish "twist" lifted from  lesser movies and books.

Red Rain is worth reading, if you can overlook its disappointing finish. Check this out from the library, if you're interested in reading it.

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