Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Resident Alien: An Alien in New York by Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse


(pb; 2018: graphic novel, collecting issues 1-4 of the Dark Horse miniseries. Volume 5 of the six-volume Resident Alien novel series, published by Dark Horse Comics.)

From the back cover

“A stranded alien visitor to Earth hides in plain sight in Patience, Washington, posing as the small town’s doctor. He has no intention of leaving─unless it’s to get back to his own planet! When a startling new mystery catches the odd-but-friendly Dr. Harry Vanderspiegle’s attention, he takes a trip to New York City with a close confidante and the hope of finally finding a way to communicate with his home world. Peter Hogan (2000 AD, Tom Strong) and Steve Parkhouse (Milkman Murders, Doctor Who) continue their unique, acclaimed science-fiction/murder-mystery series!”



When Harry sees a symbol, an alien phone number, on a famous artist’s paintings, he dials it. An electronic voice tells him to head to New York City, prompting Harry and Dan (Asta’s father) to go there. Once there, they meet Violinda Darvell, agent to the artist (Raoul “Goliath” Benoit), where the mystery surrounding Benoit’s disappearance deepens.

New York is my favorite Resident Alien graphic novel thus far. Beautiful is a word I rarely apply to comic book collections, but New York fits the bill. Its theme of kindness, love, loss, immigration and hope is deftly and palpably written and illustrated, elevating Resident to another level, making this one of the best books I've read this year. New York is worth owning, like other previous entries in this standout hexalogy. Followed by Resident Alien: Your Ride’s Here.

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