Monday, September 12, 2022

Children of Edomia by J.M. Kind


(oversized pb; 2022: second novel in the Edomia series; a.k.a. Children of Edomia: Tales from the Edomian Mythos (Book 2))


From the back cover

“The story unfolds through the eyes of Afina, a young woman burdened with a dangerous secret. After the ruthlessly ambitious Serpent Prince and his rapacious retainers invade the only home Afina has ever known—the ancient cloister on the isolated island of Forgotten Women—the reluctant heroine is tasked with the guardianship of the prince’s unborn daughter. Seven years later, when a fanatical order of holy inquisitors invade the island again, Afina must fight to protect the child’s true identity even as she and her companions are taken captive aboard a ship bound for the slave markets of Jorn Gthang far to the north. Stolen again during a daring raid, Afina meets beautiful, devious pirate queen, Aa-Zra and her colorful crew. But when the captain’s plans for the young woman become clear, Afina’s troubles—and her adventures—have only just begun! Will Afina become a pawn in Ava-Zra’s dangerous game of seduction and shifting alliances, or will the young woman unwittingly fall in with eh very people who would enslave her once again?”



The second book in the Edomia series is an excellent full-of-action-and-adventure fantasy tale with a new lead character, Afina, who wasn’t in the first book, but encounters characters who were. Children, in high-spirited, entertaining and sometimes LBGT+/sexual fashion, expands on the Edomian Mythos, is more straightforward, lacking Brother Morek k’Areth’s and Edomia’s mixed-in backstory chapters (though Morek’s travelogue concerning his journey between Earth and Edomia are completed in an end-of-book story, “Marco Polo of Edomia: The Testament of Brother Morek k’Areth”). Great, streamlined and worth purchasing read—am looking forward to the third Edomia novel, Rogues of Edomia: Tales from the Edomian Mythos (Book 3).

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