Friday, April 28, 2023

Shibuya Goldfish (books 1—11) by Hiroumi Aoi


(pb; 2017; eleven-book manga series)

From the back cover

“High schooler Hajime Tuskiyoda went to Shibuya that day hoping only to find inspiration for his next film. He never expected to find himself smack-dab in the middle of a real-life horror movie. Without warning, schools of massive goldfish descend upon the crowded streets, and the mystified onlookers’ confusion quickly turns to terror as the fish begin to feed. From their tentative shelter, Hajime and a handful of survivors await a rescue that seems more and more unlikely as the days and hours tick by. Meanwhile, all around them, the bloody feeding frenzy begins.”



This fast-paced, sometimes melodramatic, action-oriented, folklore-based horror-fantasy manga about bizarre, oversized, man-eating goldfishes is an above-average read for the genre (even with its occasional upskirt/low-skirt/panty shots, to further keep teenage boys’ attention), one worth reading. The characters are mostly fun and fully explored (for manga), the artwork is wow-worthy, and the twists are solid as is the ending. Worth checking out, this.

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