Thursday, September 18, 2014

Strange Shores by Arnaldur Indriđason

(hb; 2010, 2012: eleventh book in the Reykjavik Thriller series. Translated from the Icelandic by Victoria Cribb)

From the inside flap:

"In this latest puzzle, Inspector Erlendur learns of the baffling story of Matthildur, a local woman who went missing years earlier on the night of a violent storm.  A frequent visitor to his birthplace, Erlendur has spent his whole life searching for his brother, Beggi, who was lost in a snowstorm when they were both children.  As he begins to ask questions about the fateful evening when Matthildur disappeared, Erlendur begins to suspect what may have also befallen his long-lost brother.

"Can Erlendur possibly solve the disappearances of Matthildur and Beggi after all these decades?  Or are the forces that want him to stop investigating stronger than he is?"


Strange is a mood-effective (wintry, stark, moody), reader-hooking disappearance - possibly murder - mystery, one worth checking out from the library.  There's a nice mention of the events of the sixth Erlender book, The Draining Lake, which adds a thematic layer to Strange

The twists in Strange aren't surprising, but with Indriđason's work it's often about the journey not the destination.  The ending is a promising lead-in to the next book in the series, a loosely linked side-prequel, The Chess Match, as well as another prequel, Reyjavik Nights.

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